A Site Seal is a small but important image that you can add to your website to demonstrate that it is secured with an SSL certificate.

Displaying a Site Seal helps build trust with visitors by showing them that their data is protected through secure encryption.

Once your SSL certificate is issued, you can easily access the JavaScript code for your Site Seal through your account dashboard. This code enables you to display the Site Seal image on your website.

How to Install Your Site Seal

Installing the Site Seal on your website is a straightforward process, but it does require some familiarity with your website's code. You’ll need the ability to edit the code and should have a basic understanding of HTML and JavaScript to place the Site Seal exactly where you want it on your site.

To access the FastSSL Site Seal, you must be logged into your user account and follow these steps:

  1. Click on the order ID that you need the Site Seal for,
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and you will find the Site Seal button, as shown below:
  3. Clicking on this button will show you options to customize your Site Seal. Click here to read more about the differences between Site Seals options.
  4. Once you have customized your Site Seal, your unique code will be generated. Simply copy the code and you’re ready to go!

How to Install Your Site Seal

Now it’s time to add the code to your website.

Your Site Seal consists of two parts: an HTML code and a JavaScript code. You can either place both codes in the same location or separate them. Before implementing the Site Seal, make sure you are familiar with your site’s code.

Option 1: Place Both Codes in One Location

Copy the full Site Seal code provided on your order details page and paste it into your HTML document where you want the Site Seal to appear. This option is quick and straightforward, as both the HTML and JavaScript are placed together.

Option 2: Place HTML Code and JavaScript Code in Separate Locations

  1. Copy the JavaScript code and paste it into the <head> section of your HTML document, ideally beneath any other existing JavaScript tags.
  2. Copy the HTML code and paste it into your HTML document where you want the Site Seal to be displayed on the page.